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Get Fit with Pris

Featured Get fit with pris singapore

Hi! I’m your personal trainer, Priscilla.

Why should you take up personal training?


The best workout plan and diet will be futile without consistency. When you are accountable to yourself AND your personal trainer, it is  a lot harder to skip the gym knowing there’s someone waiting for you. If you need to rid yourself of excuses, congratulations on taking your first step!

Nutrition Advice

Exercise is only 20% of your fitness journey. The other 80% of your success comes from eating right. With a Culinary Arts degree and nutritional know-how, I will be providing you with a game plan to conquer unhealthy cravings without feeling like you’re missing out. Healthy eating can be both delicious and nutritious!

Customized Workout Plan

There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to fitness. You are unique; physically, mentally and emotionally. As your personal trainer, I am here to help you figure all that out and create a plan that fits YOU. With that set, you’ll be on your way to quicker and more sustainable results.

Workout Buddy

It can get a little boring and de-motivating training by yourself with no one by your side cheering you on or keeping track of your rest time in between sets. I’m not just there for you as a personal trainer or coach, but a friend and a buddy. I’ll be there with you every step of the way keeping you in high spirits.

Medical Conditions/Injuries

The gym can be a daunting place for someone with a worn out back or knee, heart condition or whatnot to figure out what’s not going to worsen their problems. Having gone through some of these myself, I’m equipped in helping you overcome these conditions and erasing those doubts.


The fitter you are during pregnancy, the better you will feel, the easier your labour will be. It also makes it a lot easier for you to get back into shape postpartum. My duty is to guide you and show you how to perform low-impact, low-resistance workouts in a safe and comfortable manner.



“It’s been 12 years since I’ve been into fitness and personal wellness. This runs alongside 9 years of experience in the F&B industry.
Throughout this time, i’ve undergone several ups and downs. My own experiences with restrictive eating habits, over-exercising, poor self-esteem and coming in and out of being a hormonal mess has helped me identify them in others as well. Making relevant changes to my lifestyle boosted my confidence levels and made me less easily manipulated. I felt that if I could be the voice of reason for someone else the way I wish I heard that voice, I could certainly make a difference in someone else’s life.
As a certified personal trainer under Gold’s Gym, my duty is to enable you to bring out the best version of yourself. On the side, I also run an online bakery that caters to both healthy and cheat day treats *sniggers*. Ironic much? Well, I am a strong believer in balance. It is the only way to be happy in life while achieving your goals!”




  • Establish your personal goal setting
  • Conduct nutritional assessment
  • Measure body fat percentage %
  • Identify problem areas
  • Carry out customized workout
  • Offer expert advice & training supervision


There’s so much misinformation out there about fat loss and unsustainable diets that leave you feeling down in the dumps. Crash dieting, a crazy amount of cardio and whatnot. Are you putting in all that effort and getting little no results? That’s exactly what Priscilla is here to help you with, to create a game plan for your specific body type. Take it from someone who’s been down that unforgiving path, survived and conquered it.
Let Pris show you how to burn that stubborn fat and keep it off, while enjoying food and training.

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